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Its the end of the week and those brain cells are slowing down a little, so here is a little diagnostic quiz for you. The feared blood gas! Now I know some of you say that I don’t do arterial gases any more, just venous, so I don’t need to worry about it………..common have a try at it, you know you want to!

This was a recent Fellowship question that I worked through with my Kamikaze Fellowship group and thought it would be a good one to try. You have about 7 minutes to do it, but take more…enjoy.

Now you might say that the findings won’t change my management, so I don’t care. What if I told you that, the patient will not give a history and the findings will affect your management!

Please enter your answer in the ‘comments’ section (please don’t email them to me, as they won’t be judged)  and we can all see what people’s thoughts are.

The best answer gets an ipod nano!’


Remember to answer in the ‘comments’ section.


I will put the correct answer in a few days.


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