Beware the 4 main areas that can result in cardiac arrest peri-intubation.


Positive pressure ventilation secondary to intubation, increases intrathoracic pressure which increases right atrial pressure resulting in decreased pressure differential and less blood coming back into the heart.

What may help

  • Volume resuscitation may increase cardiac output
  • If patients are not fluid responsive, vasopressors may be used: Noradrenaline is the drug of choice.
  • Adrenaline 10-50mcg boluses can be used as needed for BP
  •  Metaraminol can be used: Increases peripheral vascular resistance, Increases force of myocardial contraction
  •  Beware induction agents: Benzodiazepines and Propofol- Sympatholytic effect- myocardial depression and decreased vascular tone. Ketamine is the preferred agent gives sympathetic surge
  • Identify patients susceptible to hypotension post intubation have pre-intubation hypotension and a Shock Index > 0.8
  •  Aim for higher BP ie SBP of 140 mm Hg


What may help

  • Maximise oxygenation: Nasal canula at 15L/min + NRB or BVM (with PEEP)
  • HFNC
  • CPAP with PEEP


Severe Metabolic Acidosis

What may help

  • Avoid intubating these patients
  •  No evidence that Bicarb helps but  HCO3-> H20 + CO2
  •  Can use NIPPV
  •  If have to intubate the patient, avoid paralysis if possible, or use very short acting neuromuscular blocker such as suxamethonium.
  •  Allow the patient to maintain their spontaneous respirations. Beware of Fatigue and air trapping
  • Consider Pressure assisted VAPOX.

Right Ventricular Failure

What may help

  • Beware fluid challenge as the volume overloaded right ventricle can can affect LV filling decreasing stroke volume. Bedside ECHO can tell us about the RV
  •  Pre-oxygenate
  •  Use haemodynamically neutral induction agents eg., ketamine
  •  Noradrenaline can increase mean arterial pressure > pulmonary arterial pressure.

Please also read the review of Cardiac Arrest Complicating Emergency Airway Management


  1. Zuercher M et al . Cardiac arrest during anesthesia. Curr Opin Crit Care 2008;14:269–74.
  2. Heffner AC et al. Incidence and factors associated with cardiac arrest complicating emergency airway management. Resuscitation 84(2013) 1500-1504.