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The 6 Month Fellowship Exam Course

If you’re sitting your Emergency Fellowship exams, or know someone who is, then this is for you!

The single greatest issue that delegates face, is they just get overwhelmed. They don’t know where to start. They have no structure, no direction, nothing that says, we’ll start here and finish there and teach you all the technique and theory you need along the way, so you’re confident and know what to expect and how to approach it.


……..Until Now!……….

This is a 6 month Virtual Course with Weekly VIDEO LecturesNOTES, and Tests to do. MCQ’s EMQ’s and SAQ’s.
With over 1500 new exam, specific questions in total, in our bank and growing, you will always have material to practice on.


All the X-rays you can think of
All the ECG’s you can do
All the pictures you can possibly look at
All the ABG’s you can do


4 days total of FACE to FACE Teaching- Yes sit exams, get feedback listen to lectures. Get your concerns answered

That’s right, 2 sets of 2 days of contact time PLUS 26 weeks of virtual structured Teaching

Remember for the price of this course you get 26 weeks of:
-Weekly Video Lectures, that are subject specific
-Weekly challenges, such as ECG’s and lab results and X-rays
-Weekly MCQs/EMQ’s/SAQ’s

PLUS 4 days of FACE to FACE ‘torture’ at the hands of FACEMs that want you to pass!!!

All this for the price of what you would pay for the 4 days of contact time elsewhere.

Our next course on February 29th 2016

Even if you don’t join the course, Join out team for the weekly blog and free questions @fellowshipexam plus more.



A Typical Week on the Webpage



The written Course is now comprised of:

  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)– as currently exist
  • Extended Matching Questions (EMQs)– These are new and are set to a theme. There are a list of possible answers and a number of stems that need to be matched.
  • Short Answer Questions– These will now incorporate the VAQ and rather than having to answer in essays, only single words or phrases will be required.

The approach will be aimed at testing knowledge specifically and not just relying on technique.  With it comes a need for a more rigorous approach to knowledge building and a new set of techniques to master. This course has been totally rebuilt from the ground up, with a great virtual approach.

During the course we will concentrate on one topic, one theme per week and then have MCQ’s EMQ’s and SAQ’s assigned to that.
Here is a sample timetable:
1 Introduction to New Exam
2 O&G, Surgery
3 The  Eye
acute scrotum
Reading the ECG and the ABG
5 pediatrics
resuscitation infants/toddlers, DKA in kids
Rashes in kids, seizures,
6 Pediatrics
The febrile child, ALTE, Kid with a wheeze(asthma, croup, bronchiolitis)
NAI, mumps,measles,rubella, meningococcus
7 Trauma
Head injury, when to scan and prognosis, C-spine injury, Trauma to the face
dental trauma, laryngeal trauma
8 Trauma
penetrating trauma of the neck, chest trauma, abdo trauma
9 Trauma
pelvic trauma, Burns-thermal/electrical/chemical, limb injuries
10 Vascular
Aortic dissection, AAA, ischaemic limb
11 Resus
cardiac resus, shock management
12 Resus + Face to face Melb + Airway
hypothermia, hypotensive resuscitation
13 Environmental
Hypo/Hyperthermia, Near drowning/ altitude/diving
14 EENT + Face to Face Sydney + Airway
epistaxis, stridor, occular trauma
15 Medicine
IHD, thrombolysis vs PCI, pericarditis/myocarditis
16 Medicine
anaemia, leukaemia, lymphoma, febrile neutropaenia
17 Medicine
CVA, subarachnoid, meningitis, encephalitis, parkinsons
18 Landmark Exam
19 OFF- study on own
20 Toxicology
21 Rheumatology
Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE
22 Endocrine
DKA, HONK, Thyroid storm, Thyrotoxicosis
23 Other
Hanging and more to be added
24 Review
25 Review
26 Review


The New Fellowship Course vastly improves your knowledge base, using virtual resources, that we have developed and are continuing to refine.

A handful of places available

Approximately 6 months of teaching in the virtual environment and two face to face meetings over 2 days each in Melbourne.

Start Date:February 29th 2016
Dates of face to face in Melbourne: There are 4 days in Melbourne. If you can’t make it to Melbourne, they will be taped and available for you to watch later.
What are you waiting for?


Isn’t now the time to start preparing for that exam?

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